greeting from the green green grass

greeting from the green green grass

Sunday, February 03, 2019

30 mins trip for nature sightseeing 🍀🌳🌲🌳🌲

When you're so stuffed with life, seeing nature and calming your mind is the best way to get rid of stress. This pretty sight could be reached about thirty minutes from my house yet I rarely went there kkk~Anyway I'm back to blog😃🙋 May these beautiful scenery could also please your eyes, enjoy!!!💝

pics taken by: Vivo Y71
filter: Instagram filter Cairo

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

K-Drama Unraveled Secret: The Village: Achiara's Secret

WHAT IS THIS? Some of you may be confused by the title, since it's a bit off from my previous post. But actually isn't every post of this blog is random and is not relating to each other? That's what I'm saying........
Well, the head title of this post is K-Drama Unraveled Secret. For those who haven't watch this drama, you can leave the page now and come back when you've finished it(!!!) Since I'm gonna share the unraveled secret in the drama, I don't want to hurt people by giving them spoiler or key of the story. However if you still want to read it then I will excuse you LOL.
Actually this is my first time writing this besides of my assignments to review movies (P.S. I'm an English Department student.) However I would possibly only review about Korean Drama in this blog since it is more interesting hahahaha. The first drama to be revealed is The Village: Achiara's Secret. I don't have any desire to watch this drama but my friends tell me that the story is super good, so I watched it (yes, I'm swayed.)

The genre of this drama is mystery. It is really mysterious though that you can't except any love line in this drama. My first impression is this drama is thrilled me to death. You are faced with blood and a granny doing suicide in the first minutes on episode 1. The crazier thing is that in episode 1 you also could find a skull buried in a village's forest. For that moment I was thinking "What the hell with the skull thing? Such a childish horror story, but I'm gonna continue to watch tho I'm so curious." My curiosity goes all the way until the end. There are ghost and supernatural things yet the characters are had to deal with polices. In my opinion it is very realistic. Since the story took place in a village, everyone has belief in supernatural things. The ghost appear in characters' dream and hallucination. Those beliefs are so natural in daily life and when it comes to a person, I'm thinking that who would not be crazy to deal with the past, supernatural thingy, people's words, and even police?

While watching drama, a person consciously or unconsciously will take someone's side, whether the protagonist or the antagonist one. It's natural since we may attached it with our personal life, what happened in our circumstances, or sympathy to others. However I barely took anyone's side in this drama because it really looked like a fate. We often pointing fingers at the antagonist character's deed but in this drama I can't 100% put the blame on them (except for the wickest evil a.k.a. the rapist in Daekwang factory and his wife uggghhh I hate them so much.) 
Moreover almost each character has key of the story so this will be an essay LOL

1. Han So Yoon (Moon Geun Young)
Isn't she full of courage? She went back to Korea and choose to live in a remote village. She even did everything to solve her sister's death case. How could she has no fear? But it's possible because she had escaped death when she's little and she lost her family. What kinda fear had left in her soul, tho?

2. Han So Yoon's grandmother
I dislike her, a lot. Why she left Hye Jin alone? How could she just left her like that? How could she left a child who had been in a big accident, registered her as dead person, left her in an orphanage, and cut her ties with So Yoon? She knew very well that Hye Jin did not have family other than her family -_- Why she only consider a family is those who related by blood? Such a conservative woman. Then she commit a suicide? I don't understand, can't understand and refuse to understand her. Btw if she just took Hye Jin with her, then people won't suffering this much then.

3. Park Woo Jae - police (Yook Sung Jae)
He's a cute rookie police! How could he solve the case cutely as he is Joy's husband in WGM???? *fangirling mode*

4. Kang Joo Hee - pharmacist (Jang So Yeon)
At first I thought "Aaa she must have known everything" and she is. Despite of her sarcastic words, she's kinda pity because her mom never look at her. It's also reasonable if she did opposite things from what her mom said. What kinda child want to be treated differently with her sibling? Moreover when her sibling are bad as fuck. Even though she's a grown up, the wound wouldn't heal. About things she had done to Hye Jin and So Yoon, that's not right but somehow right. Isn't she the one show the pathway for So Yoon to find her sister?

5. Seo Chang Gwon - chairman (Jeong Seong Mo)
I wouldn't living with a person like him even though he's rich af, who cares? But he's surprisingly caring to his children and protect them at all costs (even though he did it in annoying way.) Well he may not a good man and husband, but he's done his job as a good father.

6. Yoon Ji Sook - glass craft artist (Shin Eun Kyung)
I was really shocked knowing that she's Hye Jin's mom. Her life is surely difficult. It's surprising how she could bear those scary childhood memory and act like nothing happened. Who would be the same person after having those experience at a very young age? That what I thought. However she's definitely wrong when she harassed Hye Jin even after knowing how difficult that child living. In my opinion it's okay for Ji Sook to ask Hye Jin to go, but she had not do it angrily as insult her as a monster. Things would be fine if they're keep in touch only as acquaintance or parent-teacher relationship. Ji Sook was way too mean, even to Yoo Na. And she was really greedy, your greediness won't set you at peace ahjumma!!!

7. Yoo Na - junior high school school student (Ahn Seo Hyun)
When she broke the school window while crying I thought she's a spoiled rich brat. But as the story developed, I feel sorry to her because of her mean family hate the gift she had.

8. Shin Ga Young - high school student (Lee Yeol Eum)
She's a character that made me really frustrated actually.... she always whined and yelled to her mom. It's not like her mom was wrong for prohibiting her to go at night. She lived in a village and she had to walk through the forest to back home. She had no car or motorcycle or at least a bike so she had to walk every day and night. On the top of it there is a serial killer in her neighborhood. She deceived Yoo Na to get a job and she chased her teacher because she like him. She looked like those village girls who carelessly did things without thinking. Eventually she died miserably. The good thing is we know that she has a good heart after all.

9. Kyung Soon - Ga Young's mother (Woo Hyun Zoo)
Why is their relationship tangled this way? Oh I'm tired of typing... In my opinion she had done a right thing when she decided to shut her mouth. She is a mother and she had to protect her only daughter. She was even a single parent, so she would not revealed everything in past so that it stained on her daughter's name. The same case also happened to Nam Gun Woo teacher (art teacher). Both of them kept the same secret so that they could live and accepted well in the village. However she's wrong when she did not do as Hye Jin said and kept denying the truth. If she brought Ga young to hospital two years earlier, her daughter may live longer tho.

10. Kang Pil Sung - Agassi, the serial killer (Choi Jae Woong)
In my perspective, he's just a stalker. The fact that he was a serial killer is because he was mentally broken. He only killed women because she had some issues with his mother. However in 16 episodes he was like information provider about Hye Jin and situations in his neighborhood. He's a serial killer did not affect me at all LOL.

9. Nam Soo Man and her wife (the couple living at Daekwang factory)
They are crazy human beings. They said that they have done those wicked deed to protect their child, Da In? Fuck that Da In. Besides they also lied a lot to the police in the beginning. Nam Soo Man was a crazy pervert so I think his mind was never in a right state (re: crazy bastard). However what about his wife? She acted like she was a good person and believed that her acts are to protect her child. I bet if she did not hit Hye Jin, Hye Jin would not killed by her own mother. Hye Jin and Ji Sook might argue a lot, or maybe solve a thing? Even if Hye Jin would die, she wouldn't die that day.

10. Kim Hye Jin (Jang Hee Jin)
The essay will done soon, this is the queen of the story, Kim Hye Jin (claps). Jang Hee Jin portrayed Hye Jin character very well, isn't she? She was beautiful and scary, I thought she was a ghost and then she is. After being puzzled and dragged until the last episode, we knew Hye Jin very well then. Her heart is so pure. Why did I say that? She had known that her family went to Canada without her. She had known that she's not So Yoon's real sister. She had known that she's an unwanted child in her real family (even got called as a monster). She had been living so had for the past years. She was terminally ill. She did not have anyone to rely on. Yet she still searched for her family even though she knew that she was unwanted. These made me contemplating life in an astonishment. Why did she do that? For what sake she did that? Why did she have to do that? Being a terminally ill patient is really hard then she should not bother to do those thingy tbh. Those are what I'm thinking. Remember the 'mother' who held her funeral? She might be little happier to spend her days with that person. Even though she was just pretending but isn't it better to be with person that accept you? She even brought herself at risk to have a dirty relationship with Seo Chang Gwon.

Eventually I think that she is willing to do everything because she had nothing to lose. Since she lost everything, experienced scary things a lot, she is willing to do everything in order to meet her family. I was crying hard when I see the real time capsule in last episode. She really wanted to be with her family until the end above all things happened :') How could a person live like that? She's a nice girl with pity fortune after all.

YEAYYY I've poured my thought about this drama and I got an essay (pardon me, please.) The writer and producer may show us about unexpected things in life so that we have to be grateful (and also to be careful.)I recommend this drama for those who like a mysterious drama with many crime scenes and have an unexpected plot. So what did you think about this drama? I'd be happy if you guys also share yours in the comment box :D
See you with another drama to be unraveled!

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Kudus Travel Guide - Part 1: Makanan Khas Kudus

Haloooo!!! Nggak terasa udah Desember yaa, udah musim hujan, mau musim KKN juga (lah terus, tis? apa hubungannya??!!!) Jadiii karena udah musim KKN dan beberapa temen dapet KKN di Kudus, berhubung aku lahir dan tinggal di Kudus jadi sering ditanyain "eh di Kudus yg enak apa?" "eh kalo mau beli ini di kudus dimana?" "mau jalan2 di kudus tempatnya mana aja?" "mau ruqyah di kudus di mana ya?" jadi mending aku post di blog aja yaa. Biar pada gampang bacanya, terus juga kalo aku menghilang nggak bales line you guys are still able to find good places in this small town ehehe :')
Di part 1 ini aku akan bahas tentang makanan khas kudus dulu yaaa. Just because ini banyak yang nanyain, just because aku lagi laper lagi hujan pengen soto, ahsudahlah...

1. Soto Kudus
Perbedaan yang mencolok dari soto Kudus dan soto lainnya adalah kalo soto kudus dagingnya pake daging kerbau. Well ini udah dari zaman wali songo dulu, kalo di Kudus nggak dibolehin Sunan Kudus buat menyembelih sapi karena sapi hewan suci buat umat Hindu. Saat itu warga Kudus masih kebanyakan adalah umat hindu, sehingga biar bisa hidup rukun berdampingan maka Sunan Kudus membuat peraturan ini buat warga muslim. Kebiasaan ini masih berlaku sampe sekarang, makanya banyak makanan khas Kudus yang terbuat dari daging kerbau. Dan soto kudus nggak pake mi kayak soto semarang yaa jadi kalian nggak bakal nemu bihun di dalam semangkok soto Kudus wkwkwk. Beberapa tempat yang terkenal dengan soto Kudus antara lain:
- Soto Kudus Pak Denuh
tempatnya di Tosera dekat alun2 kudus, tepatnya seberang Ramayana Mall Kudus. Kalo dari alun2 bisa dilihat ada kantor kabupaten Kudus, nah di sebelahnya ada deretan ruko warna ijo (agak old style ya menurutku soalnya ini udah ada dari aku kecil). Di Tosera Kudus ini ada banyak soto Kudus dan makanan khas Kudus lainnya.
-Soto Ayam Pak Ramidjan
kalo dari ADA Kudus, jalan terus sampe ada Pasar di kanan jalan. Nerus dikit, dari arah ADA warung sotonya ada di kanan jalan nggak jauh setelah pasar.

2. Nasi Pindang
Jangan bayangkan nasi pindang yang dijual di Kudus adalah nasi dan ikan pindang yang biasa buat makan kucing, karena sesungguhnya pindang artinya ikan. Ikan artinya iwak, dalam bahasa Jawa bisa juga mempunyai arti lauk. Jadi nasi pindang yang dimaksud adalah nasi dengan lauk daging kerbau/ kebo (kelamaan ih ngetik kerbau, wong kudus nek ngarani kerbau yo kebo he'e aaa*iyain aja.) Basically nasi pindang sama kayak rawon, cuma beda nama dan daging yang dipake aja. Kalo aku biasanya beli nasi pindang di warung soto kudus juga karena yang jual soto kudus juga jual nasi pindang juga gitu (re; bundling packet wkwk)

3. Sate Kebo
Lagi-lagi banyak orang luar Kudus suka nanya "eh emang enak daging kebo kan kebo item? kebo kan alot gaenak enakan mah sapi? aneh banget makan kebo". Yhaaaa aku memaklumi karena kalian nggak tumbuh di tempat dimana kerbau jadi daging utama buat masakan. Kalo masalah rasa, menurutku daging kebo nggak kalah enak sama sapi. Selama aku makan daging kebo disini enak2 aja nggak alot, empuk dan bumbunya meresap (atau itu karena orang Kudus sudah terbiasa memasak kebo dari zaman nenek moyang? Entahlah.) Oke back to sate kebo ya, sate kebo bumbunya beda dari sate yang lain. Rempahnya kerasa dan biasanya dibungkus pake daun jati jadi sedaaap. Aku biasanya beli deket rumah hehe nggak pernah cobain yang lainnya. Agak jarang sih yang jual nggak sebanyak soto kudus tapi bisa kok ditemuin di jalanan Kudus, di deket GOR juga ada.

4. Lentog Kudus
Makanan khas yang satu ini cuma ada kalo pagi hari aja ya gaes, jam 11 juga paling udah siap2 balik yang jualan wkwk. Piringnya kecil jadi porsi sarapan pas banget yaaa nggak pas sih sebenernya buktinya kalo aku makan selalu 2 porsi (?) Isinya ada lontong, tahu, sama sayur nangka muda (tewel, kluweh, whatever you call it). Kuahnya kuah santan dan sambelnya cair warna merah. Ini makanan padahal lauknya cuma tahu tapi kenapa enak bangeeetttt? PS: it's my favs even though i'm so picky of food. Harganya murah banget, paling mahal ya paling 5 ribu rupiah aja. Gampang banget kalo mau beli lentog, tinggal bangun pagi keluar gang juga pasti ada yang jual hehehehe.

5. Jagung Bakar
Jauh-jauh ke Kudus ngapain jagung bakar, tis? Fyi jagung bakar di Kudus itu bukan semata-mata jagung karena selain jagung banyak juga yang ikut dibakar (lah?). Jadi gini, anggap main menu nya yaitu jagung bakar. Terus side dish nya ada buanyaaakkkk (ceilah side dish wkwk), mulai dari sosis, tahu bakso, bakwan jagung, tempura, nugget, usus ayam, telor puyuh, burung dara juga ada. Semuanya dibakar, terus jagungnya diserut kemudian dikasih bumbu enak banget. Untuk bumbunya bisa pilih manis sedang atau pedes. Kalo manis enaknya jagung bakar aja, trus dikasih butter sama krim warna coklat yang rasanya mirip2 karamel. Oh ya buat yang nggak bisa makan pedes jangan sampe berani2 pesen pedes, karena pedesnya jagung bakar kudus = pedes bangeeeetttttttt. Pusat jual jagung bakar di GOR Kudus di Wergu Wetan. Kalian bisa nemu jagung bakar mulai dari jam 4 sore sampe malem, ada banyakkk banget warung jagung bakar yang aromanya semerbak. Recommendation? Untuk jagung bakar hits kudus biasanya jagung bakar Mami, jagung bakar Bu Sablah, jagung bakar Bu Paini.

6. Garang Asem
Kebanyakan mungkin udah pada tau ya apa itu garang asem? Ayam yang direbus, kuahnya pedes pake cabe dan tomat hijau segernya nggak ketulungan *maapin lebay tapi ini enak banget, makannya harus pake nasi putih. re: HARUS* Garang asem biasanya dibungkus pake daun pisang dan disajikan hangat. Di rumah makan biasanya pada jual, tapi tempat yang terkenal khas cuma jual garang asemnya yaitu di Garang Asem Sari Rasa. Tempatnya kalo dari Matahari jalan terussssss, cari aja plangnya gede banget, bangunannya warna ijo dan tempatnya rame banget.

7. Mi Bandung dan Es Teler
Who's craving for noodles in these rainy days? Me too T.T Mi Bandung ini tempatnya di Jl. Wachid Hasyim no. 39 Kudus. Tempatnya lumayan luas buat anak se-KKN kalo pengen makan enak dan murah. Kalo kesini aku suka beli esnya karena ada banyak pilihan, ada es teler, es podeng, es kacang merah, es buah. Es kacang merahnya enakkkk bangettt, kacang merahnya banyak nggak pelit. Teksturnya enak manis nagih huhuhu, harganya murah esnya cuma 12.500 rupiah.
Kenapa yang ada gambarnya cuma es kacang merah? Karena foto lainnya udah lama dan susah dicarinya, dan aku maunya merekomendasikan yang bener-bener aku udah pernah coba *bukan comot gambar dari google* 

Kira-kira ini sih yang khas kudus, nggak bisa ditemuin di tempat lain apalagi tembalang huhu dan ini yang bikin kangen pulang Kudus. Segini dulu yaaa kayaknya masih banyak tapi aku lupa wakakakak, ntar kalo inget bakal update kok. Maapin nggak bisa ngasih ancer2 detailnya since I'm very bad remembering directions (even in my hometown), jadi selamat muter-muter cari tempatnya ya semangat!!!!

The various food I've mentioned are objectively appraised by the writer. There are also many other places which sell similar food with amazing taste (so don't need to worry trying new things)
Delicious food is in the taste bud of the eater, happy explore, folks!

Saturday, October 17, 2015

SISTAR Soyou DIY Hair Tutorial (Shake It MV)

Pasti teman-teman tau kan rambut ombre dan sering liat orang dengan rambut ombre? Jadiii sebenernya pas ngecat rambut bulan Juli kemarin udah niat gak bakal mau eksperimen lagi sama rambut. Karena setahun yang lalu aku ngecat rambut pake Etude Bubble dan jadi alergi di kulit kepala dan bikin rambut rusak parah, makanya abis itu aku selalu cat warna coklat gelap pake Revlon hair color (dan ternyata cocok). Tapi karena udah cinta banget sama Korea jadi tiap nonton MV girlband korea pengennya ngecat rambut, dari mulai warna yang shocking banget sampe ombre berlapis-lapis. Rambut dan kulit kepalaku sekarang udah sehat kembali, jadi ombre kayaknya wajib dilaksanakan nih just because it's on my wishlist before graduating college hehehe. Setelah cari inspirasi kesana sini mulai dari google images, hashtag instagram, pinterest, dll aku nemu warna ombre yang masuk akal (alias bisa dilakukan sendiri a.k.a. DIY). Aku pengen ombre bronde (brown & blonde) atau merah, karena dua warna itu bakal ngeblend sama rambutku sekarang yaitu dark brown. Tapi sayangnya setelah mencari di toko kosmetik terdekat, kedua warna tersebut gak ada sebelll (padahal udah beli bleaching). Awalnya udah bete banget karena hari itu libur jadi gak usah buru-buru ngecat :( Dan rezeki emang gak kemana wkwkwk pas beli buah di S*perindo, aku nemu cat rambut lucu banget dan tanpa pikir panjang langsung aku beli. Warna dari hair color ini bikin inget rambutnya Soyou di MV Shake It, and I decide to go with that style after all!

What do you need:

Aku kurang tau si Beauty Labo ini merk mana, apakah dia temannya Hada Labo aku pun kurang mengerti. Tapi kalo diliat dari harganya yang hampir 60ribu aku rasa dia bakal bagus dan warnanya gak cepet luntur kayak cat rambut 20ribuan hehehe. Yang aku beli ini shade Raspberry Pink, warnanya merah tapi bakal jadi agak pink gitu pas di bawah sinar matahari, lucu bangeetttt.

Aku pake Makarizo bleaching powder dan bodohnya pas beli ini lupa beli developernya, jadi besoknya harus balik lagi ke toko itu -_- Untuk developernya aku pake L'oreal yang 30%. Untuk yang 30% bisa mengubah rambut kita menjadi 3 tone di atas warna sebelumnya, sedangkan yang 20% buat bikin jadi 2 tone di atas warna rambut. Aku beli yang 30% karena judulnya ombre jadi ya harus keliatan bersinar dong walaupun sebenernya kasian juga sama rambut wkwkwk.

Bubuk bleaching dicampur dengan developer, aduk rata dan aplikasikan ke rambut. Bau bleaching selalu menyengat bangettttttt, jadi aku dan temenku yang ngecat pake masker aja biar gak kena ISPA abis bleaching rambut .___,

Setelah 10 menit bilas rambut dan tadaaaaa I'm supposed to look like a foreigner but I'm looked like a tarzan girl instead -_- It's alright I'll still show it to you, readersss LOL

Cukup keringkan rambut pake handuk, kemudian aplikasikan cat rambut ke bagian yang udah dibleaching tadi. Tinggal masukkan bubuk cat ke botol developer, kemudian pasang mulut botol yang warna pink and happy coloring! Rambut aku tipis banget jadi catnya masih sisa banyaaaak banget, yaudah oles-olesin aja lagi biar warnanya tambah masuk dan ga ada yang masih pirang. Well it's DIY guys karena masih sisa banyak banget jadi kita mau bikin balayage ala-ala, tinggal taruh cat rambut di tangan (pake sarung tangan plastik lho ya!), gosok-gosok terus usapkan sampe rata ke semua permukaan rambut. Ini bikin highlight di rambut dan bikin ombrenya gak kaku banget, karena di rambutnya juga ada kilau kemerahannya gitu.

Setelah 40 menit keramas rambut dan pake conditioner yang buanyakkkkk biar rambut gak rusak. Setelah keramas aku biasanya pake vitamin rambut yang oil tapi karena abis ngecat jadi pake vitamin spray aja biar gak luntur warna rambutnya. Rambut aku biarin kering sendiri terus abis itu dicatok (karena kalo gak dicatok nanti kayak singa abis blow dry huhu).
PS: I've found a fact from Google that you should style your new colored hair with flat iron in order to lock the color. (tapi cukup pas abis ngecat ya, jangan sering-sering kayak aku nanti rambutnya bercabang dan jadi tipis bangett)

Yeayyyy senangnyaaaa akhirnya bisa ombre juga sebelum graduation hahaha, plus the color is too cute and lively!!! Di bawah ini adalah rambut aku sebelumnya #DarkBrown dan rambut ombre baruku.

TIPS: Buat yang kulitnya super sensitif kayak aku, jangan pernah bleaching atau cat rambut dari akar rambut karena itu bakal bikin kulit kepala panas banget, jadi kasih jarak at least setengah cm dari kulit kepala, dan jangan pernah bleaching rambut lebih dari 10 menit karena itu bakal ngerusak struktur rambut dan malah bikin rambut kayak sapu ijuk :( Pake conditioner yang banyak dan rajin pake vitamin spray di minggu pertama. Cara ini cukup berhasil, ini hari ketiga dengan rambut ombre yang baru dan ombrenya udah lumayan halus mendekati tekstur rambut yang atas.

This was my story to get those Kpop looks inspired by my favorite idol, yet I don't have to splurge my money since it's a DIY. Buat temen-temen yang pengen DIY ombre hair jangan takut. Selain hemat biaya, dengan ngecat rambut sendiri di rumah serasa main barbie, it makes you happy and you can customize your looks in any ways you want to! Well then it's time to wrap up, dare to change your look because you're fabulous like Unicorn as well, see you XOXO!

Thursday, July 09, 2015

(REVIEW) The Face Shop Lovely ME:EX Dessert Lip Balm #3 Honey

Hello! Kali ini aku mau review lip balm baru (baru lagi) gara2 lipbalm nivea favorit pada discontinue padahal udah muter kemana mana masih ga nemu juga :( Oh well aku juga bakal review produk ini pake bahasa Indonesia aja yah because I'm tired after doing piled of final papers *ugh* and I realize that most of the readers are Indonesian so here we go~~~

Nama lip balm ini lumayan panjang ya seperti produk Lovely ME:EX line pada umumnya. Nama lengkapnya produk ini The Face Shop Lovely ME:EX Dessert Lip Balm #3 Honey tapi cukup sebut The Face Shop Dessert Lip Balm kayak yang tertera di jar nya. Lip balm ini bukan termasuk produk baru tapi tetep aja excited pas pesen ini soalnya packagingnya cubangeeet *cuteness overload*. Yang bikin produk ini menarik perhatian yaitu lip balm ini dikemas dalam bentuk jar tapi juga dilengkapi dengan spatula imut jadi lebih terjamin kebersihannya ya daripada asal colek pake jari wkwkwk. Aku beli lip balm ini di olshop Instagram seharga 60 ribu, harga yang termasuk murah sih apalagi buat merk korea. Dessert lip balm ini punya 3 varian yaitu Strawberry, Orange, dan Honey. Berhubung aku udah sering beli lip balm rasa buah dan menurut review orang2 yang strawberry itu ada sheer pink nya, lalu kuputuskan buat beli yang honey aja (no. #3)

Dan beberapa hari yang lalu paketannya datang yeayy~ padahal sempet agak takut kalo paketan datengnya bakal telat di hari-hari menjelang lebaran kayak gini. Senaaang karena aromanya sesuai ekspektasi manisss bangettt kayak madu asli. Untuk scent sih masih ketauan kalo itu artificial dan sempet bikin takut kalo pas dipake bakal ga enak, tapi ternyata pas udah dipake enak2 aja sih hehe. Untuk teksturnya lip balm ini padat, warna orange bening kayak madu asli, dan kalo diliat dari jar keliatan kayak jelly. Aku coba aplikasikan ke bibir pake spatula nya, agak ribet sih soalnya harus buka tutup jar dua kali buat ambil spatula terus lip balm nya, tapi dimaafkan kok karena ini lucu sekali~ (dan lebih bersih!) Waktu pertama diambil pake spatula keliatan kalo teksturnya emang padet banget tapi nggak keras. Kalo buat aku sih malah seneng daripada lip balm yang bleber kemana mana. Untuk spatula nya bahannya dari plastik jadi emang keras sih waktu dibuat oles lip balm nya ke bibir, tapi ga sakit karena ujungnya yang bulat. Waktu diaplikasikan ke bibir harus rajin-rajin puter spatulanya ya biar lip balm nya merata karena teksturnya padat jadi agak susah di blend di bibir (kecuali kalo pake tangan, lebih gampang dioleskan karena dipengaruhi panas tubuh). Setelah diaplikasikan karena tekstur padatnya kali ya jadi langsung ngerasain tighting effect, bibir tiba-tiba kayak ketarik kenceng gitu (wkwk apalah). Lip balm nya bening dan hasil akhirnya efek glossy. Aku ga ngerasain kalo berminyak atau jadi berat sih, cuma ada efek kilapnya (PS: glossy ya bukan greasy). Aromanya manisss bangeeet pengen jilat rasanya tapi untung masih tahan kok wkwkwk. Menurutku tekstur dan efeknya hampir mirip Baby Kiss Lip Treatment, cuma yang Baby Kiss lebih kental (mungkin juga efek kemasannya tube.)

Setelah beberapa kali pemakaian menurutku produk ini bagus sih soalnya ga bikin iritasi mengingat kulitku yang sensitif huhu. Ada efek glossy mirip kayak ngolesin madu asli ke bibir, tapi lama2 jadi lembut lip balm nya melting gampang diserap ke bibir. Cara kerja produk bener2 kayak madu asli. Lasting effect nya lumayan bagus, yang biasanya harus pake lip balm tiap 3 jam pake lip balm ini bisa bikin aku sehari cuma pake lip balm 5 kali aja. Untuk scent nya strong ya jadi buat temen2 yang suka makeup beraroma manis kayak Etude House cocok buat cobain lip balm ini. Harganya juga terjangkau kalo belinya di olshop hahaha. Overall menurutku dessert lip balm honey ini cukup bagus buat bibir kering.
Tips: Setelah pake lip balm biasanya aku bersihin ujung spatula nya pake tisu, biar lip balm nya nggak menggumpal jadi spatula tetap higienis setiap kali pemakaian.

sumber gambar: Google images

Thursday, July 03, 2014

My Lovelips Balm Experience (Review: 10 Various Products)

Hello! It's like thousand years since my last post. Now I'm coming back with a review of various lip balms that I ever used.
PS: My lips are super dry, easy to get chapped, and sensitive so that I can't survive from bleeding if I don't apply lip balm *geez* *sigh* *ohwhyme*

1. LIP ICE Lemon Lip Balm

The first one is Lip Ice Lemon Lip Balm. I used this product several years back then when I was in junior high school (PS: I'm a sophomore in university now). I decided to buy this very first lip balm just because my friend dragged me to cosmetic store to buy this. I only like the smell because the lemon scent reminds me to Stella Air Freshener or Freshcare hahaha. At that time Lip Ice is rocketing since its first advertisement in Indonesia TV channels so I just buy it.

  • (+) The lemon scent is quite nice
  • (+) It has no color
  • (-) The icy effect after using this lip balm turned into burning effect for my very sensitive lips
  • (-) I can feel the menthol all over my lips (it's really uncomfortable)
  • (-) It doesn't protect my lips at all
  • Repurchase? NO

2. NIVEA Fruity Shine Cherry

Description: Taste the scent of summer cherry while bathing your smile in a glossy shine, with deep red tones on top. The new formula of NIVEA Lip Care Fruity Shine Cherry combines rich almond oil, jojoba oil and shea butter to keep your lips as soft and fresh as they can be!
  • Delights young delicate lips with fruity scent and smoothing, long lasting care
  • Naturally enhances your lips with shimmering pigments and a soft glossy colour
  • Contains SPF 10, protection against UVA and UVB rays
After getting allergy from the-previous-icy-menthol-lip-balm then I decided to use nothing (kinda weird, huh?) Actually I used to flake my dry lips skin so my lips are chapped and sometimes it's even bleeding. I also tend to lick my lips when it's dry but for my-beauty-sake I never do those things anymore. Then I tried this product and I also fell for its scent. The color is shiny red because its cherry flavor and it has shimmer. It was not bad for just covering my lips in order to not looked so pale, but it's a bit heavy cause of its color.

  • (+) I like the red color
  • (+) It last quite long for a lip gloss
  • (-) I hate the shimmer effect
  • (-) It's heavy for daily use (for me) because this shiny lip gloss is sticking to my lips
  • Repurchase? NO
3. ORIFLAME Tender Care Lip Balm

Description: Find all the benefits of legendary Tender Care with a delicious chocolate flavour. A softening and protecting formula for lips, face, cuticles or any area that is dry and rough. 15 ml.

I thought it's the most suitable one for dry season. I first purchased the chocolate scent from my friend who was a member of Oriflame. This balm was really tender just like the name and it hydrated my lips as well. I loooooove this product more because it is in a large size. Then I also ended to be member of Oriflame and I splurged my money to buy a box of Tender Care Lip Balm. The packaging was elegant with a beautiful box. It contained four lip balms, there were Cherry, Caramel (my favorite one), Vanilla, and Coconut. I'm kinda greedy LOL then I gave the Cherry and Vanilla balms to my mom and my sister, and continued using the Caramel one. However I were no longer using this because my lips get allergy and irritation from this balm T.T I confused because I have used that for a year but I get irritation just after a year. I searched in Google and there were research said that you could get allergy from using a product continually (because there are some ingredients that your body cannot receive). My lips were getting red and swollen. It made me like a person whose lips are stung by a hornet geez! I stopped using it but I still use the Coconut one to moisturize my dry skin (elbow, knee, etc).
  • (+) Available in various sweet scent
  • (+) It can be used to moisturize every part of your dry and chapped skin all over the body
  • (+) In my opinion all the scents is good except the Cherry scent
  • (-) It moisturized well but it might be irritant for some people
  • (-) I need to dip my finger to the pot every time I want to apply it to my lips
  • Repurchase? NO
4. SILKYGIRL Silky Lips Color Lip Balm
It was my almost favorite lip balm with Cherry Red color. Well I love red for my very pale lips so I didn't look like a-person-with-illness. The packaging was so cute with pink dot pattern, well it was such a-cute-girly-thing. It was also very affordable about IDR 20.000 or US$ 2. The color was light so it's a perfect color lip balm to be used when i want to go outside yet looked fresh.
  • (+) It's affordable and easy to get in cosmetic stores
  • (+) Cute packaging
  • (+) Available in some colors (but still I love this one!)
  • (+) It has light color that will blended well with no make up face
  • (-) I have to reapply it because it can't moisturize for a long time
  • Repurchase? MAYBE
5. ORIFLAME Beauty Wonder Balm

Description: Protective and moisturizing lip balm containing soothing Aloe Vera extract coupled with Vitamin A and E. Infused with pearls for a shimmering appearance. 4 g.

I decided to buy this one because the description told me that it's a moisturizing lip balm. It came in a package looked like a lipstick instead of a lip balm. Its color is pink but in the description written that it was infused with pearl so I think the color was gleaming soft pink. Personally I didn't like this product because it didn't work at all for my dry lips. It didn't moisture my lips and it had a strange color. When I applied it my lips become glittery in silver color and made me looked even more pale. It also came in a compact shape like lipstick. Its texture didn't have tenderness like other lip balm. However I still used it to coat my lips after using lipstick to get the shimmer effect.

  • (-) It's too solid to called a lip balm
  • (-) It doesn't work for dry lips 
  • (?) If I want have a shimmering lips then I could coat my matte lipstick with this infused-pearl-lip-balm
  • Repurchase? NO
6. SILKYGIRL Silky Lips Magic Pink Lip Balm
Actually this was my roommate's lip balm and I also used it because it as soooo good. I thought I'm in love with this brand because it provided lovely and light color for teenagers. It had a cute color as usual that swayed to me every time I see it lol. This balm was a real magic. It had white color and after I applied it to my lips for seconds the color was turning pink. The color wa strong pink so I don't need to apply it a lot. It also moisturized my lips and it has menthol effect. Anyway this balm didn't irritate me with the menthol effect and suited magically well to my dry lips.
  • (+) Affordable and easy to get (about IDR 25000 or US$ 2,5)
  • (+) Cute packaging
  • (+) It has a magical cute color
  • (+) It moisturizes in quite long time and the color doesn't fade
  • (+) Repurchase? YES
7. NIVEA Med Protection
Description: The new formula of NIVEA Med Protection with Vitamin E soothes dry lips. The invisible protection layer moisturizes your lips and effectively prevents them from drying out. 

  • Gives intense, long-lasting moisture
  • Soothes dry lips & prevents future dryness
  • Protects against UVB (SPF 15) and UVA rays

Now I will introduce my lips' best mate! Finally I found this long-lasting-moisturize-lip-balm-ever. I read the description after using this lip balm for quite long time and that's the first time I wa not being fooled and tricked by the company's description lol. It worked really like the description so I thought I didn't have to describe it for more.
  • (+) It's very suitable for dry and very dry lips
  • (+) It moisturizes for a long time
  • (+) It doesn't affect negatively on sensitive lips
  • (-)The scent is a little bit sweet but strange
  • (-) It's a bit solid so I have to apply a lot in the beginning
  • (-) It's hard to find it nowadays in drugstore or supermarket T.T
  • Repurchase? YES
8. NIVEA Essential Care

Description: NIVEA Lip Care innovative moisture store effect – highly effective formula based on skin’s own hydramine and grape seeds extracts long lastingly supports the natural moisturisation of the lips, leaving them soft and smooth.

  • Provides long lasting and intensive care
  • Effectively protects your lips from drying out in all weather
I couldn't get any stock of NIVEA Med Protection in my hometown, geez! So I decided to buy this and my roommate also recommended me this product. This product was really intensive care and I thought it is over-moisturizing the lips! It is reallyyyy tender and again over-tender so when I apply this my lips is greasy and sticky. It is also easy to melt like butter and one day I found my lip balm was reshaped just because i put it in my bag -_- However it will absorb well 30 minutes after I apply it and it leaves my lips really smooth and chewy!
  • (-) Over-moisture and over-tender
  • (+) Once I apply this I barely had to reapply it again
  • (-) It makes my lips greasy and oily
  • (+) In my opinion this lip balm is similar to butter, very tender but easy to melt
  • (+) It has a sweet scent
  • Repurchase? MAYBE
9. Pixy Lip Conditioner
The description itself told that this lip balm contains Vitamin E and Lip Conditioner Agent to moisturize lips and makes it smooth. Well yeah I hated when I was back and forth from cosmetic stores in my hometown, and the NIVEA lip balms are Out Of Stock! It feels like "God damn, why???????!!!!!!!!" Mental breakdown attached me and makes me sooo desperate to find my daily lip balm. Then I asked to the storekeeper about which no-color lip balm that was still available and he showed me this one (yes, he -_-). I just purchased it and hoped that it won't turn out bad to my lips. The packaging was like a lipstick. This lip balm was also too solid like a lipstick and has powdery scent (I hate this!) Anyway I survived using this for about a week in order to prevent my lips are getting chapped. After using it, the corner of my lips were getting dry and chapped (alert of irritation!!!) so I stopped use this product.
  • (-) The scent is not good and powdery like flour
  • (-) It's too solid so it doesn't moisturize my dry lips
  • (-) It leaves white dry skin when my lips are getting dry
  • (+) it's cheap
  • Repurchase? NO
10. AUBEAU Volage Lip Care
Sorry for the low quality picture T.T I couldn't find the HD picture of this product in Google so I took a picture by myself using my only-2MP-cellphone-camera.

Description: Moisturizer & Volumizer, plumps the lips and redifines their contour. Enriched with Vitamin Complex and Sun Screen to prevent dry or chapped skin.

This morning I went to a cosmetic store around my campus. I intended to buy NIVEA Med Protection lip balm because I could only find it in that store. However everything was turning out like I-dont-know-how-I-ended-buying-this-product ._. Actually when I asked about NIVEA lip balm then the SPG suddenly promoted about a lip product from her brand. She passionately promoted that a very dry lips like mine needed a long-lasting moisture care yet light to use. She said that a tube balm like I used to use could only moisturize lips from the outer part. In her explanation she said that an inner care was really needed to keep lips are smooth and natural. Her lip balm was in gel so it is easy to apply and absorbs quickly once it is applied to lips. At first I hesitated to buy it but her explanation was not kinda tricky and finally I gave a try for this local brand. When the SPG talked a lot to promote her product I suddenly remembered about a scene in Miss Korea (Korean Drama). In that drama, the company person is working really hard to sell his cosmetic products and showing that a local brand is also could compete with imported products. So I'm looking for the evidence of the SPG's explanation. I've applied it once and it did well in my lips and I hoped I'm not getting irritation anymore *sigh*
  • (+) It comes in gel so it feels cool and absorbs quickly once I apply it
  • (-) At first I feel like my lips are watery
  • (+) It leaves my lips smooth and chewy after 10 minutes
  • (+) It is soooo light and I feel like not using any lip product (the salesgirl was so good explaining this)
  • (+) It moisturize well and long-lasting
  • (-) It is quite expensive for a local brand
  • (-) It smells bad (I can't stand products with medicine-like smell)
  • Repurchase? NO
So these were bunch of lip balm I've ever tried. If you had super dry and sensitive lips like mine, you have to be careful while choosing for the suitable lip balm for yours. I'm still looking for the best one for my lips and if I try other brand I'll let you know. Stay tune and see ya in my next post XOXO!

Pics credit: Google images